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Abdalla Omar

Abdalla Omar

Alexandria University, Egypt


Abdalla Omar received his PhD from Alexandria University, faculty of Pharmacy in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacognosy). He had his Post-Doctoral fellow from the College of Pharmacy, The Ohio State University, USA. He held several academic and administrative positions including: Research Prof. College of Agriculture, King Saudi University (KSA), Visitor Res. Prof., Inst. of Organic Chemistry, Technical University Berlin (Germany). Visitor Prof. Arab University (Beirut). Chairman, Pharmacognosy Department, Alexandria University, General Manager, The Pharmacy Research Unit, Faculty of Pharmacy and General Manager of Medizen Pharmaceuticals, Egypt. He has published more than 60 papers in reputed journals. He has the honour of working with some great scientists in natural products as late professors Jack Beal and R Doskotsh of Ohio State University, Prof F Bohlmann of Berlin, and also has several publications with different international groups as the team of Prof. Savona and Piozzi of Italy, and Royal Danish School of Pharmacy.


Abstract : Guava monograph

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