Judith Miklossy
Prevention Alzheimer International Foundation, Switzerland
Title: Chronic infection in Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes
Biography: Judith Miklossy
Strong epidemiologic evidence and common molecular mechanisms support an association between Alzheimer’s disease (AD), type 2â€diabetes and several other chronic inflammatory disoders. Local inflammation and amyloidosis occur in both diseases and are associated with periodontitis and various infectious agents. Here we discuss accumulated evidence for the presence of local inflammation and bacteria in Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes and discuss host pathogen interactions in chronic inflammatory disorders. Spirochetes, Chlamydophyla pneumoniae and Helicobacter pylori are demonstrated in association with dementia and brain lesions in AD and islet lesions in type 2 diabetes. The presence of pathogens in host tissues activates immune responses through Tollâ€like receptor signaling pathways. Evasion of pathogens from complementâ€mediated attack results in persistent infection, inflammation and amyloidosis. Amyloid beta and the pancreatic amyloid called amylin bind to lipid bilayers and produce Ca(2+) influx and bacteriolysis. Similarly to AD, accumulation of amylin deposits in type 2 diabetes may result from an innate immune response to chronic bacterial infection, which are known to be associated with amyloidosis. Further research based on an infectious origin of both AD and type 2 diabetes will lead to novel treatment strategies.