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Mauricio de la Espriella Perdomo

Mauricio de la Espriella Perdomo

Cooperative University of Colombia, Colombia

Title: Priapism associated with the use of clozapine. Case report


Biography: Mauricio de la Espriella Perdomo


The use of antipsychotics is more common in medical practice. Priapism is predictable side effect of atypical antipsychotics, particularly clozapine. For a 54 year old patient with a history of schizophrenia who received 300mg day drug treatment described clozapine. The affinity of this drug by the alpha adrenergic receptor would facilitate the presence of priapism; however, clozapine has also action on muscarinic receptors and beta adrenergic so the use of beta-blockers or anticholinergics may help in the early management of priapism. There is a varied affinity between antipsychotics alpha adrenergic receptors so that the continuity of antipsychotics after an event of priapism depends on the degree of affinity to these receptors, the current clinical patient characteristics and prior treatment and risk assessment -benefit of using these drugs.