Fadi M. Alkhateeb
Texas A&M Rangel College of Pharmacy, USA
Dr. Alkhateeb is the Director of Assessment & Accreditation and Associate Professor of Pharmacy at Texas A&M Health Science Center Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy. Dr. Alkhateeb has been fortunate to hold a variety of leadership positions throughout his career, including serving as the Founder and Director of the Executive MBA with a concentration in Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Management at University of Charleston, West Virginia. Moreover, he has been selected as a Fellow for the Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Management Education (CAHME). Further, he has published more than 50 peer reviewed articles and over 44 presentations and proceedings related to pharmaceutical care, pharmaceutical marketing, and accreditation and assessment in pharmacy and higher education. Dr. Alkhateeb has served as a field reviewer and evaluator for the following accreditation councils: HLC-NCA, CCAPP, ACPE, ACPE- CPE, and CAHME. Moreover, Dr. Alkhateeb is a member of the 14th Annual Texas A&M Assessment Conference Planning Committee (College Station, TX). Besides being a pharmacist, Dr. Alkhateeb has an MBA degree with concentration in Pharmaceutical Marketing & Management from Aspen University and a PhD in Pharmacy Administration with a concentration in Pharmaceutical Socioeconomics from University of Iowa College of Pharmacy, Iowa.
Research Interest
Dr. Alkhateeb research interests focus on Pharmacy Education and Practice, and Pharmaceutical Marketing. Dr. Alkhateeb has been increasingly drawn to pharmaceutical education research and he is currently investigating the development, delivery and assessment of effective educational programs in schools of Pharmacy. Further, he has published more than 40 peer reviewed articles related to his research interests.
Dr. Ramaiah Muthyala holds Ph.D (Natural Products), Ph.D. (Heterocyclic Chemistry) and MBA (International Management). He is Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry. Among other awards, he received SC Amita award from the Indian Chemical Society. He has been editor or and coeditor of books, book chapters and has been in editorial boards of ARKIVOC, Mini-reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. For the last 12 years, Dr. Muthyala has been at the University of Minnesota where he was Associate Director, Center for Drug Design, and Associate Director (pre-clinical development) Center for Orphan Drug Research. He is also Associate Professor, Department of Experimental Clinical Pharmacology and Adjunct Professor, Department of Medicine. His research interests focused in rare diseases - the discovery and development of therapeutics for drug resistant bacterial infections, neurological diseases such as SCA1 and hemoglobinopathy such sickle cell disease. In his research, drug repositioning takes major emphasis to discovering drug leads.
Research Interest
The vision of our research program is to translate biological and chemical information into leads to drug-like molecules and optimize the lead small molecules to drug molecules using synthetic organic chemistry. The drug discovery will be combined with structure information obtained from ligand-protein structures, enzyme data derived from computational, modeling and biological experiments. The potential for speedy optimization of drug discovery, selective and carefully designed combinatorial small libraries along with rapid, sensitive and specific assay procedures are being explored. Natural products with desired biological activity at nanomolar range are considered as informed lead compounds for further development into drug candidates.
Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Director, Center for Advancement of Drug Research and Evaluation, College of Pharmacy, Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, USA. Professor Moses SS Chow was awarded his Doctor of Pharmacy in 1972 from the University of California, San Francisco, USA; and he completed his residency in Clinical Pharmacy at VA Hospital, Palo Alto, USA.Currently, Professor Chow is Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Director of the Center for Advancement of Drug Research and Evaluation (CADRE), College of Pharmacy at the Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, USA. He is also an adjunct professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, China.
Research Interest
Dr. Chow has over 30 years of experience in transitional research and clinical studies in the areas of cardiovascular pharmacotherapy and application of pharmacokinetics/pharmacogenomics. His recent research work has been devoted to the development of conventional drugs and herbal medicines (Chinese medicines). He has also established a strong net work with Asian countries, especially China where he served as Director of the Pharmacy School in Hong Kong for 8 years. As Director of the newly established Center for Drug Research and Evaluation at Western U, the focus of his research will be the development of niche pharmaceutical products via formulation optimization as well as new therapeutic approaches. This will be accomplished via collaborative efforts among members in formulation science, bio-analysis/ pharmacokinetics, pharmacology/pharmacogenetics and clinical/outcome studies.