Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
European Pharma Congress, will be organized around the theme “Conscientious awareness of Pharmacists & Pharmaceutical sciences”
Pharma Europe 2015 is comprised of 11 tracks and 126 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Pharma Europe 2015.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
- Track 1-1Disease Identification
- Track 1-2Stability Analysis of Drug
- Track 1-3Behavioural Analysis
- Track 1-4Dissolution
- Track 1-5High Pererformance Liquid Chromatography
- Track 1-6Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- Track 1-7ICH guidelines
- Track 2-1Biopharmaceutics and drug disposition
- Track 2-2Innovations in clinical development
- Track 2-3Pharmaceutical technology
- Track 2-4Pharmaceutics and drug delivery
- Track 2-5Drug discovery
- Track 2-6Drug discovery and design
- Track 2-7Targeted drug and gene delivery
- Track 2-8Radiopharmaceuticals
- Track 2-9Targeted drug delivery system
- Track 2-10Sustained drug delivery system
- Track 2-11Routes of administration
- Track 2-12Fundamental drug development
- Track 3-1Drugs from natural sources
- Track 3-2Computational chemistry
- Track 3-3Medicinal chemistry
- Track 3-4Molecular drug design
- Track 3-5Telemedicine
- Track 3-6Protein structure prediction and molecular simulation
- Track 3-7Biochemistry
- Track 3-8Exploratory development
- Track 3-9New strategies in modern medicinal chemistry
- Track 4-1Behavioral pharmacology
- Track 4-2Medical Pharmacology
- Track 4-3Cardiovascular pharmacology
- Track 4-4Endocrine pharmacology
- Track 4-5Clinical pharmacology
- Track 4-6Urogenital pharmacology
- Track 4-7Pharmacokinetics
- Track 4-8Neuro-pharmacology
- Track 4-9Immune-pharmacology
- Track 4-10Cognitive models of the brain
- Track 4-11Neural models of memory
- Track 4-12Functional modes of the brain
- Track 4-13Neuropsychology
- Track 4-14Cognitive neuroscience and neurosystems
- Track 5-1Genomics and proteomics
- Track 5-2Clinical engineering
- Track 5-3Tissue engineering
- Track 5-4Identification and classification of genes
- Track 5-5Sequence search and alignment
- Track 5-6Functional genomics
- Track 5-7Bio-engineering
- Track 5-8Engineering models in biomedicine
- Track 5-9Bionic human
- Track 5-10Cognitive signal processing
- Track 5-11Biooptics and biosensing
- Track 5-12Bioscience and technology
- Track 5-13Clinical laboratory sciences
- Track 5-14Biofuels
- Track 5-15Biomedical data engineering
- Track 6-1Regulations and organizations
- Track 6-2Clinical Pharmacy Services: patient compliance
- Track 6-3Health care providers
- Track 6-4Implimentation of pharmacogenetics in USA
- Track 6-5Cost effectiveness
- Track 6-6Drug safety
- Track 6-7Drug rediscovery
- Track 6-8Pharmaceutical services
- Track 6-9Role of pharmacists
- Track 6-10Pharma Practice
- Track 6-11Multiple drug use
- Track 6-12Online pharmacies
- Track 6-13Pharma Managemant
- Track 6-14Good governance in pharmacy
- Track 7-1Nano-bio-computing
- Track 7-2Nanobiomaterials and biopharmaceuticals
- Track 7-3Bionanotechnology
- Track 7-4Bionanotechnology and BioMEMS
- Track 7-5Pharmaceutical engineering
- Track 7-6Nanomedicines
- Track 7-7Nanotechnology in cancer research
- Track 7-8Nanotechnology in medicine and in targeted drug delivery and imaging
- Track 7-9Nanotechnology and clinical applications
- Track 7-10Nano-drugs
- Track 7-11Nano-mechanisms for molecular Systems
- Track 7-12Nano-medicine
- Track 8-1Drug discovery and development
- Track 8-2Industrial pharmaceutics
- Track 8-3Pre-clinical studies
- Track 8-4Clinical studies
- Track 8-5Dosage form design, development and manufacturing
- Track 8-6Supply chain
- Track 8-7Waste management
- Track 8-8Product management
- Track 8-9Post- marketing surveillance
- Track 8-10Good manufacturing practices
- Track 8-11Marketing
- Track 9-1Nuclear medicine
- Track 9-2Radioactive tracer
- Track 9-3Radio isotopes
- Track 9-4radionuclide
- Track 9-5Clyclotron
- Track 9-6Technitium-99
- Track 10-1FDCA (Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act )
- Track 10-2NDA (New Drug Application)
- Track 10-3Adulteration
- Track 10-4Misbranding
- Track 10-5Exemption in prescription
- Track 10-6Experimental animal ethics
- Track 10-7Human trial ethics
- Track 11-1Prostheses and artificial organs
- Track 11-2Biosimilars- latest developments
- Track 11-3Bioinformatics and computational biology
- Track 11-4Biochips and bioinstrumentation
- Track 11-5Data visualization
- Track 11-6Bioinformatics engineering
- Track 11-7Biolanguages
- Track 11-8Bio-ontology and data mining
- Track 11-9Bio-molecular and phylogenetic databases
- Track 11-10Biomedical science and engineering
- Track 11-11Biomedicine
- Track 11-12Medical instruments and devices
- Track 11-13Medical informatics
- Track 11-14Biomedical signal analysis
- Track 11-15Biomedical sensors
- Track 11-16Biomechanics
- Track 11-17Biomaterials
- Track 11-18Pharmacogenomics
- Track 11-19Genomics and proteomics